Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple Joys

Being a mother has a lot, a lot, a LOT of ups and downs. It's finding the joy amidst the chaos that makes it all worthwhile. Here are some of my simple joys of motherhood that I experienced over the past week...

Going on my last preschool field trip to the apple orchard. I chaperoned this particular field trip with my 3 boys as well.

Peeling apples in preparation for making apple butter. The kids not only had fun racing each other, but the apples got peeled soooo much faster!!

Making caramel apples. These little helpers rocked! Too bad I burned the $(*# out of my finger.

And finally... the best simple joy of them all... making my son finish drinking his orange juice after he brushed his teeth. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! A life lesson that we've all learned at some point, right? Ahhhh... I love motherhood :).


  1. Great blog! So, so glad to be participating in Flying Lessons with so many remarkable and talented women like yourself! ~ Seasons of Grace & Wisdom

  2. Thank you! I agree... all the flyers are AMAZING!!!
