Friday, September 28, 2012

My workspace

I've had a number of friends comment about how much they love my workspace, which always seemed to surprise me. To me, it was just my home office that I took over. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely an upgrade from being squeezed into my bedroom sitting area, but I never really felt like it was "my space." I am slowly taking ownership though by adding my own touches, and I do love the creative energy that I feel when I enter this room. I am so lucky to have this space, and I thought it would be fun to share some pictures to show how I've made it my own.

Right now I have a couple of 2' x 4' tables set-up in the center of the room, but I'm hoping to switch it out for our old counter height kitchen table. That table has already been beaten up by my kids (think forks being stabbed into the table over and over and over again) and hubby (spray painting without covering the table - really??), so I think it would be perfect for me. That way, I won't have to worry about protecting the surface when I paint (which means less clean-up for me), because Lulu = lazy like that. 


I picked up some 100+ year old windows and screens that I had planned to use for a display booth, but they turned out to be a little too short. I put the screen door on the desk to hold patterns and other materials (love it!), and use a window screen to hold a couple paper wall wreaths (1st photo).

Across from entrance

My brother-in-law- Ryan C. McGinley - (who takes amazing photos, including the one of me on the beach in my header and my profile pic) helped me set-up a table top photo booth. I have BIG dreams to set-up a photo studio in my basement whenever it gets finished... someday... somehow...

Makeshift photo booth 

Storage, storage, and more storage!! There never seems to be enough (notice the piles creeping their way onto the floor). Storage in the corner...

Random secondhand storage shelves for materials

against the window... under the photo booth table...

Storage for products, display items and materials

under the center tables... Sheesh. Before long there won't be room for me to walk!!

Art supplies and more materials!!

I spend the majority of my time in front of my sewing machine (which you can see in the 1st picture). I like to keep adding little meaningful things to my wall, all of which were given to me by friends.

In love with love

Angel cards have become very meaningful to me over the past few years. I received the top row at a one-day soul retreat with Bridgette a mere 5 DAYS after my grandmother passed away. Notice the cards that I randomly drew - Comfort, Gentleness, Sensitivity, Hello from Heaven, Patience... it never ceases to amaze me. When I look at these cards I feel connected and, in a way, looked after. 

Wall 'o angel cards

And finally, a great quote about authenticity by Brene Brown, given to me by my friend, Erica. It's a little bit of a read, but so worth it.

Choose authenticity

So there it is! My wonderfully messy, jam packed, chaotically organized workspace. I love it!


  1. Hi,
    Looks great, especially the angel card wall and the screen door display, amazing idea!!

    Fellow Flyer Helena

  2. Thanks for sharing your intimate space with us Lulu, and I agree, anything by Brene Brown is worth reading or listening to. She rocks!
    xo Janine

  3. I love the wall with all the built in cabinet space. So awesome. And such a cool idea to use the screen doors like that. Thanks for giving us a peek into your creative space. So fun to see where others' creative sparks fly.

    -jenn, fellow flyer

    1. I love those screen doors! I thought about making a whole booth display out of them, but the ones I have are a little too short :(.

  4. What a chaotically wonderful space! I ADORE seeing where people work... to me, it's almost more revealing than their art! Thanks so much for this! I need to check out your photo box again... my photos NEED DESPERATE HELP!!!

    1. Photos, photos, photos... the bane of an artist's existence ;).

  5. Wow, you are one lucky girl to have such a large workspace!!!! I checked out your store, LOVE the listed items, especially the arm warmers. Great Blog Lulu!!
    ~Fellow Flyer~

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and store!! I've been hearing a lot of comments about those arm warmers lately... maybe it's time I make some more? ;)
