Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who am I??

I know, I know... the title of this blog it sounds like I am on a soul searching mission to find out who I really am, but fear not! That is not what I am going for here. One of the reasons I started this blog was to give everyone an insider's look at me, Lulu Bea, outside of Lulu's Upcycling Lounge. But first, a little background...

You can read more about why I started my business here. When I launched Lulu's Upcycling Lounge in 2010, I didn't want my personal life to mix with my professional one. I took deliberate measures to keep parts of my life (and even my face!) hidden. Over the past few months, my perspective shifted. I made the decision to go for it... to put myself out there and to make my business a success (in whatever form that means to me). With that decision, I knew I did not want to hide any longer. I am here! I'm Lulu, and you will see me and all the wonderful craziness that it entails. It's my perfect life of chaos, creativity and community. It's perfectly imperfect.

So who am I besides an upcycling artist?? I am a mama of 4 - 3 crazy boys and 1 girlie girl. I am a host mama of 1 teenager (as if 4 kids aren't enough to keep us busy, why not add 1 more??) I am the wife of 1 (hee hee!) and he supports my dreams and ambitions. It's a great thing to have my guy in my corner. I  am a volleyball player and still play competitively... I am a fitness fanatic and am at the gym 3-4 times a week. 

Apple picking with my crew.

Balancing an active family life, while still setting side time for myself (and I like a lot of time!), can be a tricky thing. The one thing I am learning is to not worry or stress about it. Worrying serves no purpose - an enlightening message that I learned a couple of months ago. Seriously... think about it. Worrying can not change an outcome. It is energy wasted instead being channelled into a more positive direction. Life gets crazy, life gets messy... that's the wonderful part of paying admission to ride this roller coaster! 

Us mamas have a lot of roles to fill, and a lot of people depend on us. For me, I just try to do the best I can, and that is good enough. It. Is. Good. Enough. My house is messy, the dishes get piled up, library books get lost, and that is o.k. We'll all be just fine. I'm living the best I can, and I'm grateful for every messy, chaotic, lovely, busy moment that I'm able to live it.


  1. I need to remember that message: worrying serves no purpose. I tend to waste so much energy over worrying.

    Lovely post revealing more of yourself. I've been clicking thru randomly from the blog list on the fb flying lessons group, and its funny, I keep coming across messages that I need to hear. I'm feeling like something is guiding me right now and I am finally ready to listen.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree that something is guiding you to find what you need to see. I believe that it means you are right on track :).
