Monday, October 8, 2012

Little hands

My youngest child is still in preschool, which means that we are together every afternoon and all day on Friday (aka "Fun Friday"). I only have 2 more years of hanging with my gal, so I need to remind myself to enjoy it while it lasts. Sure, there are days that I want/need to work, but I also need to hold aside some days to spend with my little lady and to get in touch with my 4-year-old self.

But, do you know what's great?? I can combine these 2 needs into one, and it's still fun for all!!!

Here's my girl painting over a canvas that I found at the thrift store - she painted 4 total and had a blast! She also did a very good job. Mama = proud. Love having little helping hands. :)


  1. Seeing your little one painting, brought back memories of my children when they were little... now young adults. Love your blog post and photo.

    I'm one of your fellow flyers! Just dropped in and liked your FB page as well. :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!! :) I know I need to enjoy these little helping hands as long as possible!
