Thursday, November 29, 2012

Can't get enough!!

I love, just love my vintage necktie cloche/flapper hats! Seriously... I can't get enough. Even after I spend a couple of days making only these hats, I still get excited when one is completed and I try it on. So, so cute!!!!!!!

I make a lot of things out of neckties (scarves, headbands, necklaces, bracelets etc.), and I encountered a first the other day while making a hat. Check out this little gem...

A zipper!! A hidden surprise at the end of the necktie! I couldn't believe I'd never found a secret zipper pouch before. I knew what had to be done...

It needed to belong on a hat. Needed it. There really was no other option. Love it!!!

I'm amazed at how flattering this hat style looks on just about every woman who tries it on. I'm serious. If you don't believe me, try one on! (Hee Hee). They have gone over really well at the past 2 shows that I've brought them to...

The style on the far left are my newsboy style hats made out of upholstery samples from a furniture store. I'll save those for another day...