Saturday, October 20, 2012


This weekend, I believe I am living every mother's dream... a staycation at home - without the husband - without the kids... isn't it absolutely beautiful?!?!? This is the 2nd year that my husband has taken our kids away for an extended weekend, and I hope, hope, hope it becomes a yearly tradition. I was so giddy with excitement the whole week just thinking about the quiet... the peace... the serenity.

What have I been doing you ask? Well, whatever I WANT to do! Hee hee!!! As most artists who sell their work can relate, the fall is my "busy season" in which I make products like crazy in preparation for all the holiday shows. It's pretty much non-stop work, and it's great. The beauty of my work is that I have such a variety of products, so if I'm bored making one line, I'll just switch gears and make something else.

SO... here's what I've been doing the past couple of days...

Paint night with the girls!

Our finished mixed media projects! Bridgette didn't think she could do mixed media, and of course she did grrrrrrreat!

Holiday themed vintage paper wall wreaths.

Vintage book picture frames.

Making a mess, and loving it! And the beauty of it all is that I don't have to clean-up afterwards for fear of little hands finding something they shouldn't. I've even left out a couple of exacto knives (GASP!)

Enjoying some chai tea in my "munchkin mug."

Why yes, yes I do. (And so do you!!)


  1. How wonderful it is to have me time after working so hard as a Mom. I know how you feel! Looks like you have done many fun things already, I love the painting with friends.

  2. It truly is a little slice of heaven :). That was the first time I painted with friends, and it is a great way to learn!!

  3. This looks like so much fun! Who doesn't want a weekend like that. Nice post, I liked the peek at your creations as well. June Maddox
